How To Figure Out If You Have A Raccoon Hiding In Your Attic

Finding a Raccoon in the Attic
You hear some noise in the attic, you notice messes, you see there is a possible hole outside, and you have to wonder what it is.

Your first thought might be a raccoon. After all, these are large animals that like to enter attics and can make a lot of noise. It seems like a possible cause.

As unwelcome a guest as they are, you are uncertain of whether they are the culprit. You want to know what you are dealing with before you try to do anything, or you at least want to have an idea of what is up there. Knowing for Yourself
The best way to know what is up there is to have visual proof. Seeing for yourself is the best way to know what is in your attic. Obviously, that is not always possible, but it is the only way to know for certain.

You can look into the attic yourself, try to keep an eye out during active hours, or take video or photos of the area to see if you can capture it.

If you still have no look, you can look for signs that a raccoon is around. It might be hard to know based on sounds and marks, but raccoons have some habits that make them easier to spot.

If you notice that something has been raiding different areas of your home, it could be a raccoon. Raccoons love to get into trash and bins, trying to find food and goodies.

Raccoons also dig and create holes in walls. Any animal-made holes you notice around your property might be from a raccoon trying to burrow its way into your home or into the attic. Finding It
If you want to find and remove the raccoon, you can use traps and exclusion. Both of these will work on raccoons, so long as you do it properly.

You do not have to know for certain that it is a raccoon for these to work, especially the trap. Unless the animal is significantly smaller, like a mouse or rat, the trap should work fine for whatever is up there.

It is possible to figure out whether you have a raccoon problem, but it may take some time. Raccoons do have some unique habits and traits that make them easier to spot, luckily, and they are easy to catch when you want to remove them.

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